Weekly English Magazines


The Economist (Print + Digital)  
When it comes to making informed decisions, you expect them to be based on the most authoritative information available.  Which is why The Economist will meet with your approval.  The Economist brings you comprehensive analyses of diverse global issues in a straightforward manner.   Topics range from breaking world news and the latest market evaluations, through to thought-provoking book reviews or opinions on the most recent scientific breakthroughs.  Our articles are thoroughly researched and always impartial, because we know our readers prefer to make up their own minds.

 Weekly Chinese Magazines


亚洲周刊在不同栏目中深入分析及报道世界各国的时事动态,包括剖析中国大陆、台湾、香港及澳门最新消息的「中华天地」, 报道新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、日本及韩国新闻时事的「亚洲焦点」, 反映世界各地时局发展的「世界动态」, 追踪环球经贸发展及企业动向的「国际商务」及其他备受读者欢迎的娱乐消息资讯等,内容丰富精彩。 亚洲周刊虽扎根香港,但拥有一支驻于世界各地、经验丰富的编采队伍,随时随地为读者提供全球最新消息,以华人角度深入报道华人社会感兴趣的新闻。

 Monthly English Magazines


National Geography
National Geography Magazine, the official journal of the National Geographic Society, is an educational and entertaining publication aimed at a broad general audience while maintaining rigorous standards of scholarship comparable to those of an academic journal.  The Magazine is heavily weighted towards the visual, with about 70 percent of its pages covered by original photographs, maps or art.  The accompanying text has traditionally brought to the reader insightful and authoritative first-person accounts of the world, its inhabitants, and its events.


 Other English Magazines


TIME (Print + Digital)  
TIME is a niche publication, tailor-made for those who are open minded, for those who value perspective over attitude, composed for people who are intensely curious about the story behind the story, who are willing to have their assumptions challenged, and who are surprised by the world around them.  TIME seeks to engage the reader in the same jorney of discovery that all of us are on every week : to know why !

Forbes Asia
For 80 years, Forbes has been the most respected, most useful business publication in America.  Now, to serve the energetic capitalist of this new business world, Forbes Asia has vastly extended its focus.  With unmatched access and a unique point-of-view, Forbes Asia has reporters and editors around the globe – experts in the countries they cover.  Forbes Asia will keep you informed about what’s happening, what its means and what the future holds.


Reader’s Digest
Reader’s Digest is one of the world’s most widely read magazines, circulating at over 27 mission copies a month in 17 languages.  Packed with exciting new features, it provides wealth of information and entertainment news.  Practical advice on health, home, work, hobbies…teamed with fascinating facts, stories behind today’s current affairs and best-seller condensations. Perfect to wind down with at the end of the day, the Reader’s Digest is produced in a clear, efficient style, making it ideal for your reading pleasure.

FORTUNE (Print + Digital)
FORTUNE brings the world of business to life with an energy that entertains as it informs.  The magazine examines and distils business through its own unique lens – the eyes and ears of the experts and insiders who shape the global economy in which we live.  Money and business drive global culture – and nobody gets you closer to the men and women in the driver’s seat than FORTUNE.  Great storytelling.  Comprehensive reporting.  Deep insightful analysis.  And keen investment advise.  FORTUNE connects readers with all the drama and excitement of the amazing phenomenon called business.

 Other Chinese Magazines


自1998年创刊以来,以提倡身心灵和谐、打造全方位健康做为基本主张。 内容权威严谨,企图将复杂难解的健康知识普及。 主题横跨医疗趋势、健康饮食、休闲生活、心灵关系等领域,期望带给您最好的改变、最具品味的健康生活,让每个人都生活自在、活得愉快、活得健康。



《读者文摘》杂志以17种语言,50个版本发行全球。 严谨的编辑风格,不断地受到各界的肯定,被评选为优良课外读物。 包罗万象的内容,无论是生活知识、商业理财、医药保健、温馨小品及励志文章等,囊括来自全世界的资讯,让您了解更多,学习更多,培养国际化的开阔视野,与积极向上的人生观,与世界同步!

自1981年创刊,多年来记录了台湾的经济`起飞以及社会、环境和政治的变迁与进展。 深度分析全球政治、社会、经济各方面的现象与影响、报导国际最新趋势、引介管理大师新思潮,为读者接轨全球视野。天下为您定义全球运作的典范,提供您与世界接轨、最前瞻的观点;提供读者第一线真实、客观、深入报导,并以全球观点解读您不知道的中国大陆。

世界经济的中心由制造业转向服务业,天下不仅提出市场行销的know how, 更将为您掌握知识经济的重要改变,是您每个关键决策的重要参考。 未来变化多端;天下为您分析政治经济社会的交互影响,为您指出经营环境改变的新趋势与因应;公正客观的人物特写,帮您掌握风云人物的动态与影响。


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